Machine translation

Get unstuck & move projects along faster with instant AI suggestions

Instantly translate entire documents with Google Translate or DeepL so your team doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the task.

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An illustration of Redokun's App UI
Automatically translate content with up to 94% accuracy
Reduce your project workload by 50%
Boost translation productivity by up to 90%

Stop feeling paralyzed by the documents that you need to translate


Your projects often get stuck because every task feels too big for your small team. Sometimes you have a lot of documents to translate. And sometimes they’re huge documents that feel like they’ll take forever to finish.

With limited time and resources, can you ever scale your document translation without stretching your budget? Redokun’s Machine Translation can help you solve that.

Get your documents to market 3x faster

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An opening quotation mark

“Before, a translation would take as long as a week and a half. Now we have everything in three days.”

A headshot of Barbara Stivan, Marketing Manager, DEA System
Barbara Stivan
Marketing Manager, DEA System

Free your team from mental blocks. Produce high-quality translation 10x faster with Machine Translation.



Automatically translate entire documents to cut down your team’s workload

When uploading a new document to Redokun, you can pre-translate the content with Machine Translation before assigning it to your team.

You’ll never have to start your project from a blank page (which is probably the biggest kind of mental block when you’re trying to start anything).

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Redokun Machine Translation UI
Redokun Machine Translation UIRedokun Machine Translation UIRedokun Machine Translation UI



Get instant suggestions while you’re translating

Google Translate and DeepL are plugged directly into your online translation workspace. Translating a difficult sentence? Here are some ideas – use them as a base to create something even better.

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Redokun Machine Translation UI


complete projects 10x faster

Focus your efforts on reviewing the output, not translating from scratch

With pre-translated content, your team can concentrate on perfecting the translation. Machine Translation suggestions can be up to 90% accurate, so you can even let it handle the simpler text segments completely – that’s one less thing for you to worry about!

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Redokun Machine Translation UI