Moore Global, founded in London over 110 years ago, has grown into one of the world’s top accounting networks. Today, the network is made up of over 37,000 professionals who work together across 228 independent firms in 114 countries.
With such a large global network, it’s important for the Moore Global network and its clients to be positioned as an organization capable of delivering high quality services in many languages. Thus, Moore Global took the initiative to make sure that their resources and training could be accessed by as many members of their global community as possible.
But, this initiative came with its own set of challenges in establishing an efficient translation process — especially for translating every accountant’s favorite weapon of choice, Microsoft Excel.
The problem
Lack of language resources
Korena Xie, Head of Assurance Methodology, explains that Moore Global was already translating its resources into languages other than English with some consistency.
While training materials are primarily created using PowerPoint and Word files, many of their templates and toolkits are in Excel. These resources, originally produced in English, enable colleagues in local firms to use them for internal training and daily audit activities in their native languages.
“This is particularly important in countries where English proficiency is not high,” Korena tells us. “But, given the resource capacity, we won't be able to produce everything in all different languages because we don't have all of those language capabilities in our central team.”
Using translation vendors to solve the issue wasn’t always a viable solution, either.
Manual translation workflow
They initially solved the issue by using DeepL to translate the text. Then, they had native speaking colleagues review the output.
However, this manual process required the team members to spend days copying and pasting all of the translations into Excel.
According to Korena, this prompted Moore Global to look for something that could translate entire Excel sheets while preserving all formulas and formatting, allowing them to focus on simply reviewing and refining the contents.
That search led them to find Redokun.
The solution
Automatic document translation and formatting
When Moore Global first tried Redokun, they were impressed by the online Web Editor, which extracts text segments from documents and enables seamless translation into the target language. Korena describes the interface as "clean and easy to use.”
However, what they found even more useful was the Pre-translate feature, which allowed them to generate draft translations for the entire document automatically using machine translation engines, including DeepL. Once they had finished reviewing the draft translations and made edits as needed in the Web Editor, they could simply download the translated document.
Reusing previous translations
Another Redokun feature Moore Global found particularly helpful was the translation memory, a database that automatically saves translations from past projects.
Previously, they would extract translations from Excel, place them into a Word document, run them through DeepL, and review the translations in Word. Of course, this was followed by the tedious task of pasting everything back into Excel, row by row.
Because the review was always happening on different platforms, this process required the translator to repeatedly apply the same changes to instances of repetitive content across documents.
Moore Global also liked that Redokun offers a built-in glossary to prevent terms from being inconsistently translated, which automatically reminds translators and reviewers about the correct translation of the term in their language.
“I think those features are very intuitive and it does save you from having to go through and check, apply the new phrases, or revise the translation over and over again,” Korena says.
Collaborative translation
Korena tells us that using Redokun gave Moore Global the opportunity to engage with the network’s firms directly for translations by adding them to the platform as collaborators. Once the pre-translations are completed for them, all they need to do is "come into the platform and review the translation and make edits if there's anything not translated properly in a technical context."
Because Redokun allows multiple collaborators to join the same document at the same time, this enabled multiple firms to actively work together on reviewing a document. Korena explains that this helped distribute the time spent by each firm to get the resources they needed.
Increased ability to provide translated resources
Moore Global’s initial focus was on technical resources and training, and after seeing positive results with Redokun, the solution was implemented in other divisions within their organization.
The time saved by using Redokun for pre-translating and reviewing documents supported the company in expanding its translation efforts considerably.
Before, when Moore Global was just relying on DeepL, their language choices were limited. Redokun’s support of multiple machine translation engines enabled the company to expand its language capabilities further.
Efficient translation process for Word, Excel, and PPT
Beyond their main file format, Excel, Redokun also helped Moore Global build an efficient internal translation process for other resources produced in Word and PowerPoint.
Faster onboarding and improved collaboration on translation projects
Korena explains that by simplifying the translation process, Redokun enabled Moore Global to streamline its workflow. This made it easier for them to engage with their firms to work together to achieve consistent, high-quality translations.
Streamline your translation workflow with Redokun
Redokun is the document translation tool of choice for hundreds of companies worldwide. Sign up for a free account, invite your team members to collaborate, and receive 10 000 words today!