
Getting Unstuck: Streamline Your Translation Workflow to Triple-Boost Your Productivity

Understand the six challenges marketers face in completing translation projects
Discover how collaborative platforms and technologies can address these bottlenecks
Explore how YOU can improve your translation productivity

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Who should read this report?
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This whitepaper is ideal for global marketers looking for a better way to manage the volume, speed, quality, and cost of marketing content translation projects. This whitepaper is suitable for:

  • Global Marketing Managers
  • Communications Managers
  • Product Managers
  • Other translation project team members
What can I learn from this report?
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By the end, you will:

  • Understand six major pain points associated with the translation workflow
  • Learn why it is essential to address all six roadblocks to improve your productivity
  • Discover how a tool like Redokun empowers global marketers to complete their marketing content translation three times faster with improved accuracy
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Some of Redokun's customers